Friday, October 17, 2014

M053 - The Creed of the Kromon

Continuing in the Divergent Universe, the Doctor and Charley find themselves in a kingdom ruled by the Kromon, giant insect creatures who have enslaved the humanoids. They capture Charley with plans to turn her into a new queen. The Doctor must save her by bartering his knowledge of inter-spacial travel.

Other than the introduction of a new recurring companion, C'Rizz, this story is creepy and a little over the top. Perhaps it's just my lack of interest in bugs and all things disgusting, but the whole arc of Charley being genetically and psychically tortured into a new bug queen was unappealing. C'Rizz seems like a nice enough guy to add to the mix, but when the three of them left the Kromon behind to continue their search for the TARDIS, I was happy to go with them.

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