Monday, October 13, 2014

BONUS - The Maltese Penguin

The classic Dashiell Hammet and Raymond Chandler hardboiled mysteries, which lead to Bogart film noir classics like The Maltese Falcone, Key Largo, and The Long Goodbye, is a perfect fit for the audio play medium. It stands shoulder-to-shoulder with science fiction as the quintessential radio genre, so this mash-up affair starring shapeshifting penguin Frobisher is a hilarious and brilliant adventure.

Deciding to go it without the Doctor (Colin Baker), Frobisher gets work as a private detective, and narrates as all the best detectives do. But to appear inconspicuous (or less conspicuous than a talking penguin), Frobisher shape shifts into the colourful sixth Doctor and gets drawn into a classic femme fatale conspiracy full of references to the Hitchcock and Huston genre classics.

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