Sunday, September 21, 2014

M043 - Doctor Who and the Pirates

Here is another play that had great potential, but didn't quite pull it off.

We start with Evelyn visiting one of her students and forcing the girl to listen to a tale of how she and the Doctor met pirates. This overt narration is handled quite well and there are several scenes that mock the format by having all the supporting pirates be the same as Evelyn tries to give them all unique names but ends up just cribbing from Charles Dickens. And later, when the Doctor joins them to continue telling the tale, he adjusts the pirates dialogue to better stroke his own ego.

The third part of the play almost derails it by turning into a musical. Its a bit unexpected, but it ends up working, if for no other reason than the clever lyrics. A highlight being a version of "I am the very model of a modern major general" sung by the Doctor about being a time lord.

Where the story doesn't quite pull it off is with the student and her eagerness to have the story end so she can be alone. Reasons finally emerge near the end as to why Evelyn and the Doctor are intruding on her with this tale, but it isn't the satisfying explanation that was needed.

Still, a fun episode particularly good for fans of musicals.

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