Thursday, July 31, 2014

M026 - Primeval

I don't dislike Peter Davison. In fact, in the Children in Need special "Time Crash," I liked him quite a bit. Something about the cocky charm and the celery stick. But why are his monthly episodes so bland?

The Doctor and Nyssa are on ancient Traken, Nyssa's lost homeworld, and she is going to die if the Doctor can figure out what's going on. By the end, I wasn't sure he had. I find the Doctor stories where psychic powers play a heavy part are some of the weakest. Perhaps its because of the undefined way those powers always end up working; the rules never seem firm, and so they feel like a constant cheat in the narrative.

A grandstanding villain and the Doctor unexpectedly getting caught off guard weren't enough to make this a recommendable two hours.

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