Tuesday, April 15, 2014

M015 - The Mutant Phase

The Fifth Doctor battles the Daleks in a timey-wimey tale that nearly collapses under the weight of all the paradoxes and attempts to explain said paradoxes.

The Daleks are being killed off by a random mutation, which turns them into impure, mindless monsters. With a clever trap to stop the Doctor leaving a certain time, they draw him down to future Earth where two dozen Daleks are some of the only life left. Now faced with the destruction of the Daleks or a paradox that would destroy the universe, the Doctor has to save his mortal enemies.

Nicholas Briggs manages to pull off the more complex time travel plots quite well, and this is a mid-range example. The story is sometimes too complex for its own good, some of the supporting characters are bland, and the problem of differentiating Daleks on the radio remains, but overall the Big Finish team pull off a successful story; albeit one that felt an episode too long at just over two hours.

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