Tuesday, April 1, 2014

M001 - The Sirens of Time

The opening story of the Big Finish series is a perfect place to start listening. Later stories that are just one Doctor for four episodes, neary two hours, can sometimes drag on too long, adding one more cliffhanger just to make the right number of breaks. But this crossover tale begins with three half-hour stories, each one following a different doctor to a cliffhanger ending.

First, the 7th Doctor (Sylvester McCoy) is forced to land on a jungle planet where he saves a woman from drowning in quicksand. Then, following mysterious voices, they discover a hidden home where a long-isolated man is hiding a terrible secret. Next we meet the 5th Doctor (Peter Davidson) when he becomes embroiled with events on a German U-Boat. And, finally, the 6th Doctor (Colin Baker) is discovered dealing with a legendary time beast.

Throughout the first three parts we meet a Time Lord as he is trying to piece together the story just as we are, and in the fourth parth the stories all converge to see the three Doctors working together to save the day.

Crossover stories always have just a little bit more for Whovians because of the way the different Doctors behave around each other, and The Sirens of Time is no exception. The final confrontation has a number of good moments that give each Doctor his time to shine, and as a first episode it manages to establish these new (old) adventures of the classic Doctors.

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